Professional Development

Exemplars offers a wide range of professional development opportunities for performance-based assessment and instruction including remote sessions.

By creating an experience where participants learn by doing, Exemplars professional development workshops and Institutes demonstrate how to use performance tasks to guide instruction, improve student learning outcomes, and meet today's standards.

Sessions focus on integrating authentic math problem solving, inquiry-based science, and student communication in the classroom.

Virtual Workshops

teacher in front of laptop

Take your teachers’ strengths — and your students’ achievement — to a whole new level in mathematics with Exemplars virtual professional development workshops and Institutes.

Using the conference platform, Zoom, our consultants will help your teachers acquire new and innovative tools to strengthen math inquiry, encourage engagement, and help students achieve higher-order thinking and reasoning skills.

Remote Math Workshops

Remote Math Institute

In-School Workshops

teacher standing by blackboard

For more than two decades, Exemplars has helped thousands of educators bridge the gap between the written standards and classroom application.

Our full-day workshops for Math (K–12), Science (K–8), and Writing (K–8) are designed to assist schools and districts as they work toward professional development that generates immediate and sustained results.

Sessions are geared for audiences at all levels of leadership allowing for system-wide success through a shared vision and common goals.

Workshops for Teachers, Coaches, and Specialists

Workshops for Districts and School Leaders


New! Exemplars offers free "how to" webinars meant to provide ideas, inspiration, and support for educators interested in exploring rich performance-based instruction and assessment using our tasks, rubrics, and resource materials. Presenters feature educational experts, top-notch teachers, and Exemplars staff.

Take your teaching to the next level and join us for an upcoming session or watch an archived webinar on-demand.

Archived Sessions

Watch Our Webinars On-Demand

In the Age of Artificial Intelligence, What is Left to Learn in the Math Classroom?

5 Ideas for Building a School of Mathematical Problem Solvers

[Featuring Pam Harris] Math Problem Solving Through Strategies and Models

[Featuring Jay McTighe] How Performance Tasks Can Improve Your Students' Learning Outcomes in Math

[Featuring John Hattie] How We Impact Schools With Researched Thinking

[Featuring Peter Liljedahl] How to Consolidate Student Learning While Building a Thinking Classroom in Math? 


woman on laptop

Designed for individual Exemplars users looking to further their practice, these self-paced courses set educators up for success. The three-course series will begin with the basics of Exemplars problem-solving performance tasks and walk you through effective teaching and assessment techniques.

Upon completing the 3-course bundle, participants will earn certificates worth 6 credit hours.

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If you are interested in scheduling a workshop for your school or district, Exemplars will work with you to meet your specific needs. Learn more »


With extensive backgrounds in assessment, curriculum development, classroom teaching, higher education, and technology, our professional development consultants are knowledgeable about state, national, and Common Core standards as well as performance assessment, portfolios, and using assessment information to improve student performance and classroom instruction.

Jay Meadows Portrait

Jay Meadows

Math, Middle Grades

In addition to his role as Chief Executive Officer, Jay is one of Exemplars primary task writers and professional development consultants for the middle level in mathematics and science.

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Suzanne Hood Portrait

Suzanne Hood

Math, K - 5

Suzanne has been a professional mathematics educator for more than 22 years. She has also conducted a longitudinal study using Exemplars tasks.

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robin moore portrait

Robin Moore

Math, K - 8

Robin has been a math educator for more than 20 years. She has experience as a classroom elementary teacher, a K-8 Math Coordinator, and a K-12 STEM Coordinator.

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