Provide High-Intensity Tutoring

How Exemplars Supports Learning Recovery Approaches: Part 4


High-intensity tutoring is the focused, intentional, active and hands-on instruction that supports students in meeting grade-level expectations and standards. To see strong growth, instruction needs to be highly connected to the defined classroom content, skills and expectations. Instruction needs to include a focus on the Priority Standards and strategies that students can immediately transfer back into the classroom.

Such high-intensity tutoring can occur during extended day schooling, summer schooling, before and after schooling, as well as during regular school hours. Multiple sessions per week, with highly trained teachers and paraprofessionals, will benefit students the most.

To maximize learning time, resources are required that specifically align to a student’s academic needs, engage a student in active learning, and encourage growth in student success. The Exemplars Math Library is uniquely designed in that it incorporates elements of math, reading and writing – by asking students to:

  • read for understanding,
  • develop strong mathematical problem-solving skills, and
  • develop evidence-based writing skills.

Utilizing our highly potent program allows precious minutes in school tutoring sessions to be maximized for optimum learning outcomes. Material is also organized by standard, allowing it to seamlessly align to classroom content.

One educator using Exemplars as part of a supplemental before-school tutoring program to address pandemic-related learning loss stated,

The improvements I think I saw in students were pretty consistent no matter who the student was. I saw improvement in representation, in problem solving across the board regardless of ability ... I saw very, very high degrees of collaboration within the class. They were really excited to do it … My favorite part about the entire [Exemplars] program was the idea that there isn’t necessarily one right way to solve it [a problem] and it allowed students to really explore and use flexible thinking and walk away with a conjecture or something transferable that they know, ‘I can use this math skill in x, y, and z problem. I can walk away and use it someplace else.’

Another educator that was part of the same program stated,

... I had 8th graders who would come in the morning and be like, ‘what’s our problem for today?’ … They were able to really see and apply what they were doing and how it was helping them. To me, allowing them to access all of the schema that they have in math was the most beneficial part of the program.

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