Remote Level 2

Expectations of the Exemplars Rubric - What’s the Difference Between an Answer and a Solution?

Learning Goal: In this Zoom session, participants will learn to use the five criteria and the four performance levels of the Exemplars rubric to analyze and assess student work. Examples of authentic student work will serve as the foundation for rich discussions concerning expectations for student performance and guide educators in determining next steps for student instruction. Participants will learn various techniques to facilitate students as they self-assess their own performance. 



Broad Agenda

Agenda items may include:

  • Embedding the NCTM Process Standards into my classroom using performance-based learning.
  • Using non-academic rubrics to model standards-based learning.
  • Introducing the Exemplars assessment rubric.
  • Understanding the expectations of each criterion within the rubric.
  • Evaluating student work using the Exemplars rubric.
  • Incorporating formative assessment of student work to guide instructional practice.
  • Utilizing the Exemplars Preliminary Planning Sheets to plan for differentiated instruction. 
  • Discussing the Concrete - Representational - Abstract (CRA) progression using student work for formative assessment.
  • Modeling student self-assessment as an instructional strategy to create rigor and engagement.
  • Combining the school's curriculum with Exemplars performance tasks


I valued the way [the instructor] delivered information in an interesting and joyful way. I've been to other math training where it is easy to tune out ... I would love to learn from her again! 

Alisa Okamoto, Intervention Teacher

The collaboration with colleagues was most important. I liked that Jay tied our holistic rubrics from the state department of education to the Exemplars Problem-Solving Procedure.

Jennifer Smith, Special Education Mathematics Coach

I am so happy to see that Exemplars now has the Engagement Images which are a game changer in my planning process.

J. Marquina, Teacher