Level 2

Assess Student Performance and Use Results to Improve Performance

The Level 2 Training for science is for participants who have a basic understanding of performance-based assessment and instruction as well as the Exemplars science assessment rubric. Typically, participants have some experience using Exemplars science material in their classrooms.

Broad Agenda

  • Assess participants' student work to inform instruction
  • Discuss strengths and weaknesses evident in student work
  • Develop and share strategies for improving learning opportunities
  • Address specific questions pertaining to the Exemplars science assessment rubric to improve scoring validity and reliability
  • Learn how to embed inquiry-based investigations into the regular curriculum
  • Investigate strategies for increasing student communication
  • Review resources for working/assessment portfolios and use of Preliminary Planning Sheets


In a career of more than 20 years in education and going to professional development meetings, there have only been one or two experiences that have changed the way I approach teaching. The Exemplars workshop has been one of them.


The Exemplars fit well with our professional development plan and the teachers made that connection. Jay and Tracey did a great job! Being teachers was extremely helpful as their classroom stories and experiences allowed the teachers to ask strategic and organizational questions.
