Title I

Math Workshop

This workshop is uniquely designed to assist Title I teachers in using engaging standards-based performance tasks for instruction and assessment to improve student performance. Participants will learn how to integrate problem solving in the classroom and use effective classroom practices to better meet the needs of Title I students. This workshop demonstrates firsthand how Exemplars math tasks are integrated for RTI, used as supplements to core curriculum and as problem-solving assessments of students' thinking and reasoning.

Broad Agenda

  • Use Exemplars differentiated performance tasks to engage students and improve their motivation, persistence, problem-solving skills and conceptual understanding
  • Implement Exemplars rubrics and anchor papers for formative assessment, to identify gaps in student learning and to guide instruction
  • Use Exemplars student rubrics to promote peer- and self-assessment
  • Integrate Exemplars performance tasks as supplements to your core curriculum
  • Use Exemplars assessment results for RTI
  • Develop specific classroom practices that meet the needs of lower-performing students
  • Use Exemplars material for tutoring
  • Link results to Common Core standards


The presenter was extremely knowledgeable and has traveled all over the world for the purpose of finding strategies to help students understand numbers!

B. Savage, Lead Math Teacher

This was a superb presentation - best workshop I've attended in 17 years of teaching. Thank you for providing such helpful information.

B. Reynolds, Elementary Teacher