Level 2

Performance-Based Classroom Modeling: Problem Solving and Formative Assessment for the Common Core

The Classroom Modeling session demonstrates the problem-solving, assessment, and communication process across all levels to support the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Content and Mathematical Practice.

Broad Agenda

  • A working portfolio lesson that addresses the request of the classroom teacher(s). The lesson may focus on a particular mathematical content area, standard, strategy, multi-step problem, and/or using mathematical language
  • Questioning students about their thinking in order to generate mathematical connections, communication, and reasoning, both verbally and in writing
  • Demonstrating differentiated instruction
  • Introducing instructional techniques that promote students' understanding and use of the Mathematical Practices as well as students' higher-order thinking, reasoning, and communication skills
  • Building student confidence and interest in mathematical problem solving and communication
  • Utilizing Exemplars performance tasks to introduce mathematical content, representations, language, and connections, and to encourage mathematical discussion


This was one of the best workshops I've attended. Full of useful info. Loved it! ... The strategies I learned will definitely benefit all of my students.

J. Lockwood, Math Coach

Using the information Deb [the presenter] taught us and the rubric, we set about scoring problems. The more we did, the more we wanted to do! Who would have thought that sitting for two days in a windowless room could be so wonderful. The time flew!

B. Renoux, Multiage Teacher