K–5 STEM Bundle for NY

Tools to Empower
Tomorrow’s Critical Thinkers
and Innovators

Student at desk
NYS library

Exemplars STEM bundle gives students the skills to solve complex challenges — preparing them to become the innovators the world will need.

Pairing our Library of rich math performance tasks and our suite of inquiry-based scientific investigations, this package lets you engage students fully in the exciting possibilities math and science hold.

As they solve these authentic problems and learn to assess their work, they’ll build on what they already know and discover brand-new strengths: the critical thinking, reasoning, and communication skills that will let them master tomorrow’s challenges.

You’ll get Problem Solving for the 21st Century: Built for the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards, offering hundreds of math performance tasks differentiated at three points of entry, and Scientific Inquiry for the 21st Century: Built for the NGSS, featuring 220 hands-on science performance tasks — all classroom-tested and designed to help students reach deeper levels of knowledge, and aligned to state and national standards for math, science, and STEM.

Teacher and student rubrics, anchor papers, and planning materials are integral parts of this bundle. All tasks and supporting materials are flexible for any learning environment, whether teaching in-person or in a virtual classroom.

Explore our online STEM bundle:

Math Performance Tasks

Expressly created for New York classrooms to align with NYS Next Generation Learning Standards and build proficiency in problem-solving math skills. This collection includes 500+ performance tasks and assessment tools for teachers and students.


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Science Performance Tasks

A compilation of science performance tasks and assessment tools developed expressly to support the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). 220 hands-on scientific investigations are organized by Disciplinary Core Ideas, Crosscutting Concepts, and Science and Engineering Practices. Includes science rubrics for teachers and students.

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  • Hundreds of engaging performance tasks to develop and assess students’ critical thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, science-process, and communication skills.
  • Tasks that can be used for instruction, exploration, formative assessment, and summative assessment
  • Student anchor papers and scoring rationales/annotations that demonstrate for teachers and students what work meets and does not meet the standard.
  • Assessment rubrics that provide teachers with clear guidelines for evaluating their students' understanding and providing meaningful feedback.
  • Student rubrics that encourage self- and peer-assessment.
  • Alignments for state and national standards for math, science, and STEM.
  • Tools to facilitate remote and blended learning.

Please contact us or call 800-450-4050 for more information about getting started with Exemplars.

You can also request a quote for pricing information.

What Educators Are Saying

  • The problems are standards-aligned, rigorous, and relevant.

    J. Carrelli, Innovation Specialist, OH

    I love the flexibility of the tasks. They have a low floor and a high ceiling so students can enter the problem at many levels.

    T. McClelland, Elementary Intervention Coach, OH

    Teaching STEM proved to be very time consuming last year, and I love the [Exemplars] task on breathing because the student gets to investigate the real-life situation instead of just watching!!

    V. Barker, Science Teacher, TN