Watch this webinar

Improve Learning Outcomes Through the Math Practices, Rubrics, and Self-Assessment

Join Jessica Keegan, Elementary Director of Teaching and Learning at Oceanside School District (NY), for an in-depth look at how her students are making incredible strides in math through the use of rich performance tasks. Rather than having students double down on facts and figures, teachers at Oceanside are using performance-based instruction and assessment to develop confident and empowered mindsets. Along the way, their students are building math tool kits that contain problem-solving strategies, critical thinking, and communication skills.

By the end of this session, educators will understand:

  • How the Mathematical Practices improve long-term learning outcomes
  • How a consistent rubric for your performance tasks can drive teacher and student focus beyond calculations in the math classroom
  • How students can utilize self- and peer-assessment to improve their quality of work