NGSS Science - 6-8 - How Is My Breathing Rate Related to My Pulse?
Students collaboratively investigate the relationship between breathing rate and pulse. Students collect and record data and draw conclusions based upon their investigation. Students make connections between the circulatory and respiratory systems.
NGSS Science - 6-8 - A Rock's History
Students are asked to collect and analyze a rock sample found during a class “Rock Hunt” on the school grounds.
NGSS Science - 3-5 - How Much Diversity is There in This Habitat?
Students conduct a field study of a local habitat. Students identify and draw the plant and animal life in the habitat.
NGSS Science - 3-5 - Water Testing: What Makes Water Good?
Students conduct tests and compare results of different water samples to determine what makes water “good.” Students collect and anaylze data to draw conclusions.
NGSS Science - K-2 - Where Does a Drop of Rain Go?
Students draw and write about how rain is made and where raindrops go after falling out of the sky.
NGSS Science - K-2 - Wind-Up Toys, Part 2: Can I Design an Investigation?
Students design and conduct an investigation about wind-up toys. Students control variables, collect and record data and draw conclusions.
Non-NGSS Science - 6-8 - A Rock's History
Students are asked to collect and analyze a rock sample found during a class “Rock Hunt” on the school grounds.