Problem Solving for Instruction & Assessment, K–5: Performance Tasks, Rubrics and Anchor Papers
At this workshop, individuals will learn how to integrate Exemplars performance tasks and the criteria from our assessment rubric – Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Communication, Connections and Representation – into instruction to support the CCSS for Mathematical Content and Practice.
Participants will learn how to: create a supportive environment for math inquiry; identify what constitutes a good problem and problem solver; assess student work with proficiency; use assessment results to guide instruction and improve academic performance.
The Broad Agenda
- Use Exemplars performance tasks that connect the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Content and Practice
- Learn instructional techniques that promote the Mathematical Practices, students' higher-order thinking skills and mathematical communication
- Use Exemplars rubrics and anchor papers to assess students' work and provide meaningful feedback
- Make the link from assessment to instruction to improve teaching and learning
- Define the language of assessment, mathematics, problem solving, Depth of Knowledge, Universal Design as well as types of portfolios
- Differentiate problems to address individual students' needs
- Help students become proficient in self-assessment