Problem Solving for Instruction & Assessment, K–5
Performance Tasks, Rubrics and Anchor Papers
Through the lens of problem solving, learn how to measure K–5 student performance against the Common Core. Discover strategies for promoting mathematical communication, reasoning and higher-order thinking as well as how to improve teaching and learning opportunities for K–5 students.
This session focuses on:
- Engaging instructional tools to effectively implement the CCSS.
- Underlying concepts and processes behind this teaching/learning approach.
- Essentials of performance-based assessment and instruction to support the CCSS for Mathematical Content and Mathematical Practice.
Exemplars K–5 math tasks, rubrics and anchor papers are incorporated throughout the workshop. The vocabulary for problem solving is defined and problem-solving strategies are explored. Mathematical communication and application of mathematical concepts across math strands will be shown. Discussion topics also include: differentiating instruction, encouraging student involvement and developing a student's ability to assess his/her own work to improve performance.
- Use Exemplars performance tasks that connect the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Content and Practice
- Learn instructional techniques that promote the Mathematical Practices, students' higher-order thinking skills and mathematical communication
- Use Exemplars rubrics and anchor papers to assess students' work and provide meaningful feedback
- Make the link from assessment to instruction to improve teaching and learning
- Define the language of assessment, mathematics, problem solving, Depth of Knowledge, Universal Design as well as types of portfolios
- Differentiate problems to address individual students' needs
- Help students become proficient in self-assessment