The tasks and rubrics that Exemplars has produced over the years are excellent resources for all three levels of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) programs. The tasks exemplify the principals of the type and quality of the teaching and learning that the IBO requires: significant, relevant, and engaging work for students!
In my work with schools over the past 15 years I consistently use Exemplars as the model for high quality pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment tasks. The goals and standards for the tasks can always be aligned with central ideas, subject content, and the areas of interaction. The tasks are transdisciplinary and require that the students use what they have achieved in a new situation. That is the ultimate indication that the young people have learned something that the school has deemed worth knowing!
I am particularly charmed by the anchor papers. They provide an excellent indicator of what good work looks like so the teachers can immediately identify the levels of work that can be expected. In addition, the commentary on the anchor papers guide the teachers in using the rubrics so they may develop thoughtful and significant comments for the very important feedback they must give to their students.
I am certain that Exemplars has significantly improved the type and quality of assessments that are used in excellent schools! It has been my great pleasure to recommend Exemplars to every IBO school I work with. They in turn have greatly appreciated this very excellent resource and their students are certainly privileged to have had the opportunity show what they know, can do and understand in such a meaningful and relevant manner.
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